Thursday, November 7, 2013

Me love gold!

 I really adore gold details.. You can wear all black, and put some details in other colors. But for me, gold +  black is ideal combination. This cute jacket is from New Yorker (you can wear it in gangster, casual and classy style). Sunglasses and necklace are from ebay, and one of my favorite pair of heels are this one- with gold heel. I bought them in Berlin, H&M. 


  1. I really love your shoes :))
    Super su mi zlatni detalji i odlicno si iskombinovala sve :)) Meni se svidja :*

  2. Loving the heels and jacket, so cute!

  3. joj ja sam se dugo dvoumila oko te jaknice i na kraju nisam uzela i sad mi je tako zao :( inace odlicna kombinacija ;)
